Sunday, February 13, 2011


has been a while since i last updated my blog.
not much has happened i guess.
how are you fellow readers?
hope you're doing fine.
fine?is 'fine' a feeling??
i've always wondering bout that.
anyhow,my mum was admitted last night.her condition so far is still the same.
pls pray for her.she's suffering.
and ouh,me and my bestie?
yeah we're fine.
i think?...
things are not the same anymore.
sometimes i wonder whether i made the right decision to have him back.
kadang2 rasa mcm it's the wrong the decision.
sometimes not.
it's kinda sad though.but that's okay.
i'm getting over doesn't stop here just because someone is not the same anymore.
let it be.

as for now,i'm having a great time with my friends,lovely biatches.
it has been great.been through some interesting experience which i can't tell here*wink wink
so i think that's it for now.gotta scoot!test tomorrow.