Monday, November 1, 2010

tell me a suitable title for this post

hmm x susah kan nak ckp camtu?add up with sincerity,a boiling temperature pun bole cool down.
and i'm sorry too.
maybe i overreacted?idk.
tp tulah apa yg aku rasa.
and u cannot blame me.
and thank you for today.
i know you are still you.
i know ppl change.but i hope its not u,
please sgt.
because i'm being reasonable,and i dont wanna fight.
so i let it i used to do.
but this heart is still aching.
so untuk exam pula,2 more papers to go then i'm done!
ya Allah x sabar nye!!heeee~
c++ da lepas.lega sikit kepala.
hmmm pray for my success friends.
and yeah,i've activated my fb back for some reasons.
saya penat being miserable

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