This post is going to be quite merepek.since idk what else to do.haha-.-
just watched Vdays td for the 2nd time.i'm bored.n suddenly i was thinking..
What does being in a relationship REALLY means??
izit being with someone dat u've known in ur almost entire life,
or izit being with someone that u just met,n take the liberty of time to get to know ur partner?
what izit actually?
and i am definitely not talking about marriage lahh.
i'm refering to this 'couple' or 'dating' thingy.
what izit really about?
so,anyone who's reading this,y dun u drop ur opinion.
i would really love to know what u guys think.
ok,next question.
why does most guys;i didnt say all,
lagi pentingkan their ego or pride wtv rather than their own feelings?
u see,i have many guy friends.n most of them have this same attitude.
ok maybe they were born this way?
but that is just a lame excuse.
for instance,the guys who r in a relationship.
there are some of my frenz,who has a gf,
are afraid to express their feelings publicly i.e fb
afraid of what?of getting bashed by their buddies.
there is really nothing wrong rite to just express ur feelings.
and here's another thing,there are some guys which has a really high level
of ego,can't even say SORRY?
well,that is too much ynoe.they are too proud of themselves that
they cnt even see their own faults,admit it n apologize.
now here's smthng personal.i just experienced it yesterday.
when dat one person,who i thought out of all ppl,
shud know me better,totally ignored me when he just absolutely
ruined my night.not a single sorry,heck he didnt even bother to talk to me.
i had made myself very clear last nite dat i was upset with him,
but still no response.till today.
dont u hv the courtesy to say sorry at all??
cmon r u afraid of being vulnerable?
that is totally bullshit.
you know that u dont hv to pretend anything when u r with me.
so y do u hv to act this way?
u r starting to get under my skin ynoe.
please stop before it will gone any worst.
so i guess thats it for now.looking forward to read ur opinions.
'couple' 'dating' - you have someone who do the little sweet things for you, make you smile just by talking to him or her and if you are sad, you know when you talk to them, you would feel okay. it's like having a best friend who give you butterflies in your stomach. second question is easy - guys don't think too much, they are simple, they don't think publicly expressing their feelings through words is important. if they like you, they will show it in some other way. 'public affection' sometimes doesn't even cross their minds. there are times when we don't talk to you to the public because we don't want other guys to see that we like you, that you're special because we feel a bit scared they might steal you away from us. it's the way we are. sorry sam :)
ouh thnx for ur thoughts.really appreciate it:)